Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Etude House Proof 10 Eye Primer: Review

Eyeshadow isn't necessarily something that must always be present in a make-up look. Although I happen to apply eyeshadow almost always whenever I go out (to fully use my collection before it expires), I still don't think everyone must wear it every single time. There is one thing that's a necessity, though, when you choose to apply eyeshadow... and that is choosing a good eyeshadow base. Today, I will be sharing with you my most favorite item that I use under almost all my eyeshadows which is the Etude House Proof 10 Eye Primer.

I hope you can read it well as this photo was taken using my old camera.

I like to apply this because I gain a lot of benefits from it. For one, blending my eyeshadows, whether they're high end or drugstore, comes a lot easier when this is applied beforehand. Also, I have naturally oily lids so it's always a struggle to keep the eyeshadow in place without creasing throughout the day. With this product, as long as I stay in a well ventilated area, my eye shadow stay fresh all day long without creasing/ clumping in the eye folds. The vibrancy of the colors also show a lot better and it lasts longer too. That is why I almost always use this whenever I go out, whether it is just for a casual or a formal event.

I haven't tried much eyeshadow bases before but I did try the two eye primers from ELF (liquid and stick) and a base from NYC and this happens to be the best out of the three. I mean, they all work the same but Etude House beats them a little bit in several aspects such as vibrancy, longevity and performance (blendability/ oil control). It also goes a long way as I have been using the same item for about 6 months now and I still have some left!

I even use it even if I'm not wearing eyeshadow as primer for my eyeliner and I believe it also contributes to better eyeliner performance.

TIP: Don't wait a long time before blending the product as it will set and become hard to blend. What I do is I apply it to one eye first, blend it, then I work on the other eye.

I got this from an Etude House counter in SM Makati (Watsons). It's quite affordable at the price of PHP 298. For more info, feel free to visit the Etude House Philippines Facebook Page.

I would definitely grab another one once this runs out as this is my current holy grail eye primer! Make sure you grab one too!

with love, Anna Luisa

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