Friday, March 14, 2014

Acne Battle: Introduction

Survey: Acne Battle

If you are one of those people blessed with porcelain, flawless skin, then I hate you. There. I said it. And that makes me feel good. Haha. Just kidding. I don't actually hate you. It's more like I envy you.

Ever since I reached my teenage years, pimples and blemishes have always been a problem for me. It was a lot milder back then. Just a daily dose of Eskinol after washing my face was enough to fight them all zits. But then it got a little bit out of hand so I had to get me an acne control facial wash and benzoyl peroxide. It did the trick up until I became allergic to the medication (benzoyl). Don't ask me how, I just developed and noticed that the spots where I placed the aforementioned medication turned red and itchy every after application.

Nonetheless, ever since it started, it has always been a tiring journey of skin care trial and error for me. I've tried a lot of things related to acne control. Salicylic acid? Used it. Azelaic acid? Experienced. AHA lotions? Prescribed. Witch hazel toner? Tried. Tretinoin? Still using it. I've also been exposed to different procedures like facials with a dermatologist/ facial spa, chemical peels, diamond peels and even Easy Peel (Flawless). I've experienced good results with most of them but my point is, for people like me who have acne problems, dedication is much needed. It doesn't matter how much money you spend on skin care and procedures to make yourself pretty. What matters is your dedication to stick to these regimens to actually make them work.

So I guess you're already confused and wondering what this post is all about. Well, I just want an introductory post on my skin care journey. I basically want to ask for your opinion if you want me to share all the things I've learned from my years of struggle to fight acne. From my teenage years up until now on my mid-20s... What products I used for spot treatments or face wash, what treatments I've undergone and different places I've sought help from. I know that what may work for me may not work for you but I want to give you guys an idea. My skin is still not perfect but it sure has improved a lot along the way. Just tell me down below if you're interested or not. I'm hoping for a good response! What do you want my next post to be about?
with love, Anna Luisa


shu said...

i'm interested to know your story! i'm also non stop battling with acne since teenager till now..

Anna Luisa said...

@Shu: Sure, watch out for my next posts. My first post will be my current skin care routine. Then, I'll do some throwback posts afterwards. :)