Tuesday, September 18, 2012

T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel Astringent: Review

Earlier this year, I've had trouble with major breakouts. I couldn't control them no matter how religious I was with my commercial regimen that I had to go seek consult with a professional. I had go to Flawless every 2 weeks to get my acne control facial and check-up. As a result, I now have a full regimen prescribed by my dermatologist (Very effective, by the way. I will post about this routine in the future.) But there's one thing I couldn't bear to take off from my previous regimen and that is my T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent.

I initially bought this because I saw xteener using it and I wanted to try it out for myself. After trying it out, I'd have to say this is a really good product. (I've finished this bottle already, btw.) But since I already have my dermatologist prescribed regimen, I tried taking it off the list of my routine. However, whenever I tried to wean myself off the product, new breakouts start to form. That is why I decided to go on with the product as my first step, before my prescribed regimen. This proved to be a very good combination because I only get breakouts whenever I'm too stressed with work or whenever it's my time of the month.

Here are the pros and cons:

- effectively removes excess dirt and makeup after cleansing
- does not dry skin
- available locally
- prevents future breakouts
- helps heal existing mild acne

- smell (needs getting used to)

Overall, this product is WORTH IT and I highly suggest you guys try it out.

with love, Anna Luisa


The Makeup Maven said...

I love this product too! I use this for myself and my clients! You have a nice blog! I was blog walking and came across your blog. Very interesting content! I just followed your blog, hope you can too! More blogging power to you!


www.MusingsofaMakeupMaven.com (http://sabshernandez.blogspot.com)

Anna Luisa said...

hi, thanks for following!
this product is just great, don't you think?
i just asked my sister to stop by healthy options tomorrow.
i followed you back.

Anonymous said...

I want to try this. Where can I purchase this and how much will it cost me?

Anna Luisa said...

@ANON(Apr29): I got mine from Healthy Options. it's very cheap. It costs roughly around PHP250.