Blogger's been down yesterday. It was supposed to be Anything Goes Friday and I was going to post about Maybelline Color Sensation lipstick and Ever Bilena Extreme lipstick along with my previously planned post about Vaseline Healthy White lotion. Hmmm... I guess blogger wanted to stress that yesterday was indeed Friday the 13th, that's why they had to be down right when I was very much in the mood of typing, editing and all that jazz.
Now, taking advantage of my sudden urge to type, I opened my mousepad (a counterpart of notepad in Linux desktop) and typed this post away.
I was looking through my make-up stuff a few weeks ago. To be specific, I was looking for my Ever Bilena Extreme lipstick. I knew I had two shades. One was in Cranberry Cream and the other one was in Apple Brandy. You see, there was a time in my life when I was so obsessed with red lip colours. Much to my surprise, when I opened my 'lip pouch', I saw three of them, together in the pouch! Or so I thought. I looked closely and true to what I said, I saw the two shades I mentioned above. The other one, however, was not an Ever Bilena Extreme lipstick. It was Maybelline's Color Sensational Moisture Extreme Lipstick in Blushing Berry! I didn't notice it was from a different brand because the packaging was also red. Of course, when I held the three up, I felt that one of the three had a better feel to it (Maybelline). Anyway, here's how they look like.

The Ever Bilena Extreme packaging had some of its color erased (or something like that). Particulary, at the edges, the red color was worn out, showing a white color. It may be the plastic's real color but whatever. I don't recall ever dropping the EBs before. I think I noticed it a few months after I bought it. The color just fades away by itself or for some reason I cannot explain nor recall.
Judging by the feel, the weight and actual appearance, Maybelline is much better. It doesn't feel so light when I hold it up, it has a nice texture and it clearly looks more appealing that the EB Extreme.
As for the colors, all three are vibrant! Here's some swatches:
L to R: EB Cranberry Cream, M Blushing Berry, EB Apple Brandy (no flash)
L to R: EB Cranberry Cream, M Blushing Berry, EB Apple Brandy (with flash)
Top to Bottom: EB Apple Brandy, M Blushing Berry, EB Cranberry Cream (no flash)
I applied it on my lips alone with no primer/lip balm. The colors are not that far from each other. I'd easily call them the red siblings, if only it didn't sound too childish.
above: Ever Bilena Extreme Lipstick in Cranberry Cream
Maybelline Color Sensational Moisture Extreme Lipstick in Blushing Berry
above: Ever Bilena Extreme Lipstick in Apple Brandy
The feel was pretty much similar, both brands didn't dry my lips up and both just easily glides as I applied them. I just liked EB's feel a little bit more than Maybelline's. It was a tad bit lighter than Maybelline. Even though EB is cheaper, the quality of their lipstick is actually nice. It even smells nice! Maybelline doesn't have a scent.
To test its staying power, I just kind of put Maybelline's Blushing Bery on one side (left) of my lips and EB extreme on the other side (right). Well, since I took a picture of it while the camera was facing me, the one shown at the right side is the Maybelline one and the left side is the one with EB Extreme in Apple Brandy.
L of photo : EB | R of photo: Maybelline
after an hour
after 2 hours
After the two hour mark, the two colors blended and I asked my sister if she could tell the difference. She couldn't. She's not the OC type so I guess she represents normal people out there. There's a slight possibility that people with OC type of personality would notice the difference.
after 3 hours
after 4 hours
At 4 hours, I decided to eat lunch and as expected, almost all the colors were gone. I didn't bother taking a picture.
My conclusion is that they both have the same staying power. Both lip colours may stay up to 3-4 hours with no need for reapplication. At 3 hours, the color may not be as vibrant.
In conclusion, I think I prefer EB a bit more. Taking into consideration the price, EB is a bit more WORTH IT for me although I don't believe Maybelline's is such a waste. I just thought that function wise, since the two are almost the same, I'd rather go for one where I could save more money. Plus, I really love the scent!
I already posted 3 different topics today. Even if today is Saturday How To/ DIY, I will just post my make-up tutorial tomorrow. You're okay with that, right?