Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nanny Rose's Queen Bee Hair Remover + After Wax Salve: Review

I've always trusted shaving when it comes to handling underarm hair. Waxing has never been an option for me since I was scared that it would be too painful for me to handle. I did try plucking before but I eventually went back into shaving after a few weeks. Shaving has been the most suitable for me. And I've had that thought for years... Up until my friends convinced me to wax instead. They told me that waxing is painful but definitely bearable (supposing you do it correctly). They told me it's a lot better than shaving since you don't have to do it as often. Being the lazy person that I am, I was sold.

My first waxing experience, however, wasn't so good. I just bought some waxing strips from Watsons but it really didn't do the trick for me. The strips were too small and it didn't do a good job in removing all the hair that was needed to be removed. (But anyway, I won't be talking about that particular product. I might do another post on it anyway.) So yeah, moving on, my first waxing experience was a little disappointing. I didn't understand why my friends preferred waxing over shaving.

One day, however, while I was strolling around Watson's with my sister, we decided to get Nanny Rose's Queen Bee All Natural Hair Remover. I've been seeing the product quite a few times whenever I stroll around Watson's and I've been so curious to see how it works. So when my sister asked me to buy the product for her, I gave in to that curiosity and bought the product along with the after wax salve from the same brand.

Nanny Rose's Queen Bee Sticks & Pulls Honey Wax
All Natural Hair Remover
Hot | Cold

Truth be told, I was excited to try the product out but my excitement cannot compare to the satisfaction I felt after using the product. I know I haven't tried a lot of waxing products before so I can't really do comparisons but I did repurchase this product which goes to show that I am very satisfied with the results it has given me.

So the product came in with the wax itself, a popsicle stick and free washable cloth strips. You have the option to use the wax either in hot or cold setting. I prefer warming it up prior to use. I did ask for my sister's help to do the actual waxing process and she did a pretty good job. The product was able to remove all the unwanted hair without the seering pain I was expecting. Like what my friends have told me, the pain was definitely bearable and I don't mind doing this again.

Pre-heated honey wax

Another good thing about it is that it did not irritate my skin. No peculiar redness or itchiness occurred.

Nanny Rose's Queen Bee
Mild Like Chamomile
After Wax Salve

I did use the after wax salve which helped soothe the skin after waxing. No irritations, redness whatsoever. Not only did it help remove the leftover stickiness, the scent was really mild, I could hardly smell it. The product was also creamy and a little goes a long way. I haven't repurchased this yet since I feel that one small tub would last me a long time. I would definitely recommend this product.

So for those of you who haven't tried waxing yet, I suggest you try this product out. It's not just effective. It's affordable and easily accessible too. And if you do try it out, let me know what you think about it.

I'm having a hard time closing this post. I'm not sure why but maybe it's because I'm running late for work. I'm just squeezing time to write this post down. Basically, I just wanted to have this post up to let you know that I am, in fact, still alive. LOL. Again, sorry for my long absence but I really do hope you guys would continue to read my blog despite that.

with love, Anna Luisa

1 comment:

ces said...

I've been using this product for more than a year already and I love it. Proof is the number of empty containers I have which I am now using to store small stuff such as pins, paper clips, earrings and the likes. :D